Wednesday 25 January 2017

Live By Night (January 2017)

Official Australian release date: 26/1/17. Viewed: 26/1/17.
Director: Ben Affleck
Actors: Ben Affleck, Chris Messina, Zoe Saldana, Chris Cooper
Genre: Drama / Action
Rating: MA

‘Live By Night’ (FYI, “live” as in ‘liv’, not ‘lie-ve’ – “sleep by day, live by night”) is the fourth film Ben Affleck’s directed (after ‘Gone Baby Gone’, ‘The Town’ and ‘Argo’), and sadly it’s my least favourite of his. That’s not to say it’s bad, since he’s a better director than he is an actor, but that’s where the problem lies – it’s quite hard to truly warm to his character, Joe, in this. I wish he’d cast other people as leads, like in ‘Gone Baby Gone’. It’s set in 1920’s prohibition-era Boston (where else), but he eventually relocates to Tampa, Florida, to run the rum trade for the Italian gang.

The start’s OK, but needed more of his father (Gleeson), as he gets caught between the Irish and Italian mobs. Joe meets Graciela (Salanda) in Tampa and falls in love and has to put up with the KKK calling him and her all sorts of things, but that’s eventually sorted – the film doesn’t really delve too much into the racial implications of things. Joe & Dion (Messina), his trusty off-sider, meet the police Chief (Cooper) and his daughter, Loretta (Fanning), which has implications later on. The main plot centres on Joe & Dion trying to branch into the gambling/casino business and the hurdles they face.  

There’s a tale of vengeance in there, plus a cautionary tale of not losing yourself while trying to be someone you’re not and all the while you still feel a little bit of “why do I care?” There are some great fly-over scenery/sunset shots in Florida, and a decent ending, but it all feels a bit too dragged out (130min, when it could’ve easily wrapped up after 105min) with no real connection or purpose made. The set design and cars are certainly cool and of the era, but the shootouts never seem enough or to have enough at stake.

Overall: OK gangster/vengeance film.

Gav's Rating: 3 stars.

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