Sunday 29 January 2017

La La Land (January 2017)

Official Australian release date: 26/12/16. Viewed: 30/1/17.
Director: Damien Chazelle
Actors: Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, John Legend, J.K. Simmons
Genre: Musical
Rating: M

Lots of people have been asking if I’ve seen ‘La La Land’, so I thought I had better give it a chance, even though musicals aren’t my thing – better late than never, right? I always list the four most prominent actors when I do a review, but I truly struggled to think of anyone else to fill the 3rd & 4th slots, since this film has two stars, and at least one of them is on screen the entire time, with little time dedicated to anything/anyone else. Maybe not a bad thing, but it does mean the film gets a bit monotonous.

Sebastian (Gosling) and Mia (Stone) are easy to watch and are good in this, but I don’t think either of them is a particularly good singer or dancer. My main problem with musicals is: why? If a scene’s not interesting enough to sustain momentum without having song and dance, then cut it! At least in animated films, they seem to find ways to weave songs in organically – and they’re catchy. Here, I didn’t find any of the songs very catchy or interesting – most are kind of mopey. Otherwise, it’s all quite predictable – they fall in love, they chase their dreams, the end.

The ending is semi-interesting, but every time I started to get pulled into the film when there’s a stretch with no singing, it suddenly appears again – always out of context – and pushes me back out. It’s definitely not a bad film, I just felt like nothing really happened – sure, there’s some romance and they’re good actors, but there’s no real story or humour to be found.

Overall: Average romance musical.

Gav's Rating: 2.5 stars.

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