Friday 5 October 2018


Official Australian release date: 13/9/18. Viewed: 6/10/18.
Director: Aneesh Chaganty
Actors: John Cho, Debra Messing, Michelle La, Joseph Lee
Genre: Drama / Mystery
Rating: M

‘Searching’ is very much a film of the times – an inventive concept of always being viewed through a screen –computer, phone, FaceTime, YouTube, TV, etc. It’s directed by first-time director Chaganty, who’s only 27, and does make you realise how much screen-time occupies our lives these days. Thankfully, rather than a film with just this gimmick, it’s actually a well-made mystery/thriller.

David (Cho) is struggling to connect with his teenage daughter, Margot (La), after his wife passes away (nice montage to start the film). As I imagine most teenagers do these days, she mostly communicates with him by text, so once he hasn’t heard from her for more than a day, he starts to get worried. Detective Vick (Messing) and Peter (Lee), his brother, get involved in trying to find out who her friends were, via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

The film does well to lead you along David’s logic as he’s trying to find his daughter and Cho is good at showing his anguish. There’s a few good twists and some nice tension at times. Great final 15min – the entire film’s well-paced and keeps you on the hook throughout.

Overall: Interesting and unique mystery.

Gav's Rating: 3.5 stars.

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