Monday 6 October 2014

The Skeleton Twins (October 2014)

Official Australian release date: 25/9/14. Viewed: 6/10/14.
Director: Craig Johnson
Actors: Bill Hader, Kristen Wiig, Luke Wilson, Ty Burrell
Genre: Drama / Comedy
Rating: M

‘The Skeleton Twins’ certainly sounds ominous and depressing from the title and the fact that both siblings, Milo (Hader) & Maggie (Wiig) try to commit suicide within the first 10min of the film – but it’s actually not too bleak and has a lot of funny moments throughout.

There’s definitely some heavy issues the twins discuss/contemplate – cheating, death of a parent, unsupportive other parent, job/money issues – but once they reconnect, they bounce off each other in a very enjoyable-to-watch way, particularly the miming of the Starship song. Quite a few witty remarks throughout and it’s not too long at less than 100min.

Wilson is good as the too-caring/energetic husband of Maggie’s and Burrell is OK as the forbidden ex-boyfriend of Milo’s, but it really is the two leads that carry the film and make you invest in them and their decisions. The ending is ultimately uplifting and appropriate.

Overall: An interesting look at depression and sibling love.

Gav's Rating: 3 stars. 

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