Saturday 10 May 2014

Fading Gigolo (May 2014)

Official Australian release date: 1/5/14. Viewed: 11/5/14.
Director: John Turturro
Actors: John Turturro, Woody Allen, Vanessa Paradis, Sharon Stone, Sofia Vergara
Genre: Comedy / Drama
Rating: M

Quite disappointing, really. ‘Fading Gigolo’ starts off promising, with some typical Allen wordplay, but it gets bogged down in an unnecessarily dramatic relationship that goes nowhere (with Paradis). There’s some weird Jewish fetishness at play – I’m not sure if it’s meant a tribute to Allen?

It’s definitely an interesting concept (ageing male prostitute and pimp), with plenty of comedic potential, but there's not too may laughs - Schreiber's wasted, Stone is boring and Turturro doesn't give himself much to do. Definitely need more Vergara!

Overall: Disappointing comedy from guys who should do better.

Gav's Rating: 2.5 stars.

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