Saturday 6 July 2024

Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1

Official Australian release date: 4/7/24. Viewed: 7/7/24.
Director: Kevin Costner        
Actors: Kevin Costner, Sienna Miller, Sam Worthington, Jon Beavers
Genre: Drama / Western
Rating: M

‘Horizon: Chapter 1’ is a Western in every sense of the word – set in early 1860s Arizona/Utah, as white settlers try to establish a new town called “Horizon” in Apache territory, while the Civil War is being fought back East. There’s a lot of characters and storylines started, but most centre around Horizon as the focal point of the frontier and it’s attached by Native Americans. Interestingly, we don’t meet Hayes (Costner) until almost halfway through, further north in Wyoming. He comes across Marigold (Lee) and a child who are being pursued by Sykes (Beavers), setting in motion their journey.

There’s about 4 main storylines: Hayes & Marigold on the run; Frances Kittredge (Miller) & daughter Elizabeth (MacPhail) and their interactions with Lieutenant Gephart (Worthington) and Sergent Riordan (Rooker) at the Fort; then Elias (Haze) & Russell (Kellici) who are out hunting the Apache that attacked Horizon. And finally there’s the new settlers heading West on their wagons, being led by Captain Van Weyden (Wilson). It’s not all perfectly linked yet, but you can start to see how most of it will connect.

The pacing is quite good, considering it’s 3 hours, with a few slow moments, but given the amount of characters and the 4 distinct threads, it does well to give enough info, but also spend enough time on the epic landscapes of Arizona and Utah, with plenty of beauty on show. The score is particularly impressive. While it may sound long, I’m liking the idea of 4 longs films instead of a 15-part TV series. Costner has set things up well – and while this isn’t a perfect film, with no fitting ending, I’m looking forward to the next chapters.

Overall: Nice platform for a Western epic

Gav's Rating: 3.5 stars


Monday 1 July 2024

The Promised Land

Official Australian release date: 20/6/24. Viewed: 30/6/24.
Director: Nikolaj Arcel        
Actors: Mads Mikkelsen, Amanda Collin, Melina Hagberg, Simon Bennebjerg
Genre: Drama / Biopic
Rating: MA

‘The Promised Land’ (‘Bastarden’ in Danish) is set in the 1750s and follows a former Army Captain, Ludvig Kahlen (Mikkelsen) as he sets out to cultivate the inhospitable heath in Western Denmark, with it’s poor soil and bad weather. He encounters all sorts of bureaucratic, personnel and personal hurdles. This is an at-times violent battle of wills shown over a few years, all with subtitles.

His efforts are helped by two runaways, Ann Barbara (Collin) & Johannes (Andersen), priest Anton (Lindh) and then little Roma/Tater Anmai Mus (Hagberg). Kahlen is then unknowingly pitted against the entitled “county judge” Frederik de Schinkel (Bennebjerg, a great “bad guy”), who claims the heath as his own. Matters aren’t helped when de Schinkel’s supposed finance, Edel (Thorp) takes an interest in Kahlen. While it’s a brutal time and place to be alive, the cinematography is excellent and makes you want to visit (when it's not winter!).

It goes for 2 hours and doesn’t drag too much, even if at times you’re not sure what’s driving the plot forward. But it manages to fit a lot in and fits quite a few genres in: Western, revenge thriller, family-overcoming-adversity, romance and drama. The ending is mostly satisfying and while I can’t say it’s flawless, it is a well-made film, carried relentlessly forward by Mikkelsen’s determination and stare.

Overall: Solid foreign historical drama

Gav's Rating: 3.5 stars