Director: Robert Connolly
Actors: Eric Bana, Anna Torv, Deborra-Lee Furness, Robin McLeavy
Genre: Drama / Mystery
Rating: M
‘Force of Nature: The Dry 2’ comes 3 years after ‘The Dry’, and retains Detective
Aaron Falk (Bana) as the lead and the flashbacks to fill in story gaps, but is
otherwise a standalone film – it’s certainly not dry this time, set in the rainy
Dandenong ranges of eastern Victoria. The plot this time sounds simple – 5 women
on a work retreat get lost in the bush. When 4 of them are rescued, Falk and
Cooper (McKenzie) set out to find the missing Alice (Torv).
As the backstory unfolds – told via each of the 4 women: Alice’s boss Jill
(Furness), sister Lauren (McLeavy) and co-workers Bree (Ansell) & Beth
(Stringer), we’re able to piece together that there’s more going on than anyone
is initially letting on and start drawing our own conclusions. There’s also the
added layer of flashback’s to Falk’s own childhood when he and his parents were
camping in the same national park and had their own situation…
Probably not as good as the first film, but still a
well-made Aussie drama, with lots of tension, hope, great scenery and enough storyline
to keep you interested and guessing. Good cameos from Richard Roxburgh and Tony
Briggs, but the film’s carried by Bana and the interaction of the 5 women and
the ticking clock to find Alice before it’s too late. Not too long at just
under 2 hours, solid score.
Overall: Enjoyable Aussie bush mystery.
Gav's Rating: 3.5 stars