Far From Home
Official Australian release date: 1/7/19. Viewed: 4/7/19.
Director: Jon Watts
Actors: Tom
Holland, Zendaya, Samuel L. Jackson, Jake Gyllenhaal
Action / Sci-Fi
‘Spider-Man: Farm From Home’ is the
second “new”/MCU Spider-Man and Tom Holland’s fifth time playing Spider-Man/Peter Parker.
It’s a good follow-up to ‘Endgame’, in that it doesn’t ignore what happened,
but chooses to focus on this group of teenagers getting on with their lives. The
romance between Peter and MJ (Zendaya) is funny, because they’re supposed to be
awkward teens, but are actually both 22 – as are Ned (Batalon) and Flash
(Revolori), both back as the wisecracking friends. Also worth a mention are the
comedic support offered by the teachers – Mr Harrington (Starr) and Mr Dell (Smoove)
– with plenty of great little moments
It’s also good to see Nick Fury (Jackson),
Maria Hill (Smulders), Aunt May (Tomei) and Happy Hogan (Favreau) back, linking
this nicely with other MCU films, but also hitting home how important Tony Stark
was to Spider-Man. Bascially, after ‘Endgame’, Peter just wants to go on his
European science trip/holiday (what type of school does he go to!?) and not worry about “superhero-ing” for a
while. Obviously, things don’t go to plan, as he teams up with Mysterio (Gyllenhaal),
who has Dr Strange-like powers, to beat “elementals” – giant fire/water/earth
Obviously, if you know anything of
Mysterio from the comics, all’s not what it seems. The illusions and
CGI-within-CGI is expertly done and some of the best scenes in the film. Love
Peter’s black & red suit at the end. Every character gets enough screen
time, but there’s definitely some slow moments where not too much happens. Pretty
satisfactory ending, with a great final battle and it’s definitely worth staying
for both credit scenes.
Overall: Good, without being spectacular/‘Into
The Spider-Verse’.