Tuesday 17 February 2015

The Interview (February 2015)

Official Australian release date: 12/2/15. Viewed: 17/2/15.
Director: Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg
Actors: Seth Rogen, James Franco, Randall Park, Lizzy Caplan
Genre: Comedy
Rating: MA

Such as simple premise for a film – parody North Korea and their crazy dictator, as well as the ridiculous tabloid culture of some “news” shows. Dave (Franco) is the talk show host and his best friend/producer Aaron (Rogen) get the chance to interview Kim Jong-un (Park) – a journalistic goldmine. Agent Lacey (Caplan) from the CIA then enlists them to “take him out” – plenty of mishaps then ensue!

This is Rogen & Goldberg’s second co-directing effort (after ‘This Is The End’) and is much more assured – the jokes are freer, there’s more laughs throughout, and the pacing is much faster and doesn’t lull anywhere. Canada stands in for North Korea adequately enough and there’s some good support cast, as well as great cameos from Eminem, Rob Lowe & Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

The ending has plenty of action/violence and gets a little ridiculous, but there’s some really funny moments throughout, with Rogen playing a perfect foil to Franco’s over-the-top-ness. Has the potential to be racist/offensive for no reason, but never is – just a film that enjoys itself pointing fun at humanity’s often stupid emotions and decisions.

Overall: Easy-going, well-made satire.

Gav's Rating: 4 stars. 

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Kingsman: The Secret Service (February 2015)

Official Australian release date: 5/2/15. Viewed: 4/2/15.
Director: Matthew Vaughn
Actors: Taron Egerton, Colin Firth, Samuel L. Jackson, Mark Strong, Michael Caine
Genre: Action / Comedy
Rating: MA

‘Kingsman’ is fun – it’s a modern take on action/adventure save-the-world films and while it pays homage to the Bond films, it isn’t a direct knock-off of them. The director Vaughn also “rebooted” superhero films recently (‘X-Men: First Class’ & ‘Kick Ass’) and is helped ably by this film being based on another Mark Millar (Wanted, Kick Ass, Secret Service) graphic novel, which means you’re guaranteed excessive violence and unexpected plot twists. I hope they keep turning his graphic novels into films!

Like any good spy movie, it starts with a ridiculous ‘evil genius’ – Valentine (Jackson, with a hilarious lisp & wardrobe) – plan: use a neurotransmitter to make people homicidally violent and wipe out the majority of the human race to save the planet from climate change. Then comes the secret spy agency that no government even knows about – the Kingsmen, led by Arthur (Caine). Their top agent Galahad/Harry (Firth, great to see him playing against type) who recruits Eggsy (newcomer Egerton) and we get to see him go through trials until he becomes a “gentleman Kingsman”. Some very nice suits, gadgetry and locations are used to impress that “manners maketh the man”.  

There are quite a few differences between the film and the graphic novel, but they don’t detract from what is a simple, well-made, fast-paced action film, with plenty of wit and comedy thrown in for good measure. All the actors are great and Jackson seems to relish being the crazy villain. I hope there’s sequels to follow! The ‘fireworks’ scene at the end is exceptional & hilarious. Also – only nine months until we get to see Mark Hamill again!

Overall: very fun action comedy.

Gav's Rating: 4 stars.